Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

On Friday we had a Mother's Day tea at Ally's School it was just to cute for words. They all dressed up and had set up a nice little tea with mini cookies and cakes and lemonade for all to enjoy. The children were just so excited to have brought their respective mothers to school to show off all of their hard work and love they have for their moms. It just about brought tears to my eyes when she sang this song for us....

Then we all went out to the playground for another Mother's Day gift. The children had painted flower pots with the most beautiful colors and wanted to plant flowers with there Mom's help. It was so fun and special at the same time. Ally got to pick out the flower that she wanted me to have and we planted it together. After getting all dirty we hit the swings to play with her school buddies. It was a very memorable day for me. The sun was shinning and my little angel was so excited to have me by her side. I will always cherish these days.

1 comment:

Karin said...

This is the most adorable post ever!!! I love the song!!! Robert, Matthew and I enjoyed that beautiful little voice. I can't wait to hear my little man tell me he loves me.