Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Spring 2009 Catch up...

Well I have been such a bad blogger...

I have not posted so many wonderful things that have been going on due to lack to making time. So here we go I will try to give a recap of April, May, June, July, Aug, and now we are into a whole new year. What can I say I think I should try to sum it all up with a few high light photos.
We had a birthday season in April between Ally becoming a 5 year old and so many of our closest friends baby's changing in ages too, her is a mini photo recap of a few things we did in April:

For Ally's 5th Birthday Gift Mommy and Daddy gave Ally tickets to the Celtics in Boston. She could not have been any happier. You would have thought you just gave her a million $$.
Really she was excited about the face painting but she was just in a zone
"Let's Go Celtics, Boom Boom"

She was so happy it was all hanging out,

Happy Birthday Ally hope you had fun!
Then that weekend we had a Cooking Birthday Party for our birthday girl. All the kids made mini Pizza's and decorated their own cup cakes. It was so much fun but yet so messy. Every one seemed to love it. Not to mention that the weather was just stunning, bright sunny, warm day, may all of her birthdays be this way.

Ally with her Birthday Cup Cake and "Ally's cooking Bash T-shirt"
Bella Boo and Ally Making their Birthday Cup Cakes

Kidos cruising in the vet

Easter Egg Decorating 2009

We had so much fun decorating our Easter Eggs this year. We had Uncle Eric and Auntie Becky over to help. And what help they were the creativity was just flowing this year. We used a few new coloring and deco. We used, sparkles, egg coloring, and markers, and as always a great big mess. Every one had so much fun and what amazing eggs we had this year to show to the Easter bunny.

Uncle Eric and Ally

Check out those Sparkly eggs

This is Ally's count down calendar till her 5th birthday, since her birthday falls around Easter this year Bubbi made it Easter Egg themed. Ally is just so excited to turn 5. Mommy and Daddy are just so sad to see their baby turn 5.

Just a Touch of Maple...

At the end of each winter there is the perfect time to make Maple Syrup and we traveled around our area to check them out on the Open Sugar house weekend. What a blast we had. We visited about 4 sugar houses and learned all about the process on how they get the sap from the trees to how the make the sap into maple sugar. The day was filled with fun, music, and food. Ally was so proud of her information she had learned that she made a chart for school to bring in the next day about how many gallons of sap it takes to make one gallon of maple syrup...for those of you that do not know it takes 30. Mommy and Ally by a sap spout.Ally and Daddy in a sugar house.Check out that hot maple syrup...yummy, wish we had smell a blog...the air was just so sweet smelling
After we visited the sugar houses we were inspired to make a Maple themed dinner, so we made:
Maple Pancakes, topped with warm Maple syrup
Eggs Benedict with Maple cured Ham
Baked Beans with Maple syrup
It was so much fun and a great new Tobey Family end of Winter Tradition.