Friday, May 16, 2008

"Let's Go Celtics Lets Go"

Not to sure if you have heard but our little Angel has become quite the Celtics Fan ever since she went to a game earlier on in the season. Now that they are in the play offs it is very hard to get the shirt off of her Day or Night. But the biggest killer is all of theses 8 pm games. That is Ally's bed time but I can not keep her from watching and cheering on her team. It is her Daddy's dream come true. All I ever hear on game days is "DEFENCE BOOM BOOM" "DEFENCE BOOM BOOM" or even better "LET'S GO CELTICS, LETS GO". I must admit it is very cute coming from her little voice. So lets keep our fingers crossed that they win tonight.

1 comment:

Robyn J said...

Lookin' good, Tobeys! Hope you are all staying dry with this rain. Shawn's in Denver until Wednesday so we're keeping busy around here with baseball, parties, and going to the movies. Later!