Sunday, April 08, 2007

Potty Training in Progress

I can say we are having great success on they potty training front. Alex is very receptive to the idea and feeling very proud of each of her accomplishments.

We started Potty training this past Tuesday April 3rd, and have not looked back since. On Monday I told her that Tuesday was the last day of Diapers and she was on board with the idea. We woke up on Tuesday morning dry and went right into Big Girl Panties. Tuesday and Wed were the tough days but since then we have not had any accidents. Alex takes so much pride in being a Big Girl. At home we do not have any issues with using the potty but out and about there is still some hesitation. She is learning more and more each and every day. Mom and Dad could not be more proud.

Now all we have to do is master the comfort to actually let the number two go with out any issue or hesitation as well. We will get there.

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